Festival Of Creative Arts Returns To Keswick
Eden Valley Artistic Network’s creative arts festival returns to the old Cumberland Pencil factory, Keswick, for the weekend of Friday 18 to Sunday 20 August.
Back for its second year, with a fabulous array of arts & crafts, live music, and art workshops presented by Cumbrian artists, plus food & drink, there’s a lot to enjoy over the weekend.
The old Cumberland Pencil factory, the original home of the most fundamental piece of art equipment, the Derwent Pencil, is the perfect venue for this arts event. The old Packing Hall of the factory will house the exhibition - a contemporary collection of paintings, photography, ceramics, textiles, jewellery, and more by artists from across Cumbria.
Over the weekend, local musicians will perform under the outside canopy where visitors can sit and relax whilst enjoying the live music and the refreshments offered by local caterers.
A series of workshops will be presented by artists, offering participants the opportunity to try their hand at glass fusing, felting, painting, drawing, and collage. The workshops are suitable for ages 12+ and are limited to 8 places.
FACTORY: Festival of Creative Arts takes place at the old Cumberland pencil factory, Southey Works, Keswick from Friday 18 to Sunday 20 August. For further information visit: evanevents.co.uk/factory-festival-of-creative-arts