Sale Fell
Sale is one of the lesser known fells and is situated in a quiet area above Wythop some 8 miles from Keswick. It is definitely an area to put on your list to explore and return to again and again. There are numerous paths around the fell and surrounding woods. There are two walks below to choose from, one which goes to the summit and the other which goes round the fell. Neither walk is over strenuous and would be suitable for families with the second route being the easier of the two. Both walks take you past the ruins of the old Kelswick church at the back of the fell which was replaced by Wythop St Margaret's Church which you see at the start of the walk. For a fell of such modest height there are superb views over Bassenthwaite Lake towards the Skiddaw range, over the Vale of Embleton towards Cockermouth and beyond the Solway Firth to Scotland.
After your walk why not drop in for refreshments at Bassenthwaite Lake Station cafe, aboard a full-size replica steam train, used as the filmset for the 2017 film, Murder on the Orient Express located on the restored former railway station. It's located just after the turn off from the A66. Or why not visit the Dubwath Silver Meadows Nature Reserve, just opposite the cafe, a wetland site, home to a range of flora and fauna
Around Sale Fell
Distance - 3.5 miles
Time - 1.5 to 2 hours
Starting point - Roadside parking St Margaret’s Church Wythop Mill NY 190301. (just up the hill from the Dubwath cross-roads on the A66 at the end of Bassenthwaite Lake)
Feedback - Contact Keswick Tourism Association by email [email protected]
1. Go through a gate 100m east of the church onto a footpath which rises diagonally up the hill. Very soon you will come to a bench above Wythop St Margaret's Church with views over Bassenthwaite Lake. Continue up the grassy path until you come to a T-junction. Take the right hand path.
2. Continue up this path. As the path levels out ignore a path off to your left. (This goes to the summit, a walk for another day.) Continue forward, the path drops down and soon forks. Take the path to the left away from the wall. The path meets a farm lane. Turn left onto the lane. Continue for approx. 200m to a bench just before the farm.
3. Turn right off the lane past the bench signposted Beck Wythop. Go through a gate and keep forward. Continue past the ruin of Kelswick Church. Go through a large gate and continue into Chapel Wood. Further along a second tall gate takes you out of the wood. Continue along the same path which starts to ascend gently. As the path rises there are lovely views towards Bassenthwaite Lake and the Skiddaw range beyond. Keep forward until you come to a gate ignoring any paths to the left or right.
4. Go through the gate into the forest plantation. As you meet the bend of a large forest track follow it uphill to your left. The path climbs and then drops down. Soon the path sweeps round and just before it straightens out turn left onto a path heading downhill.
5. Almost immediately turn left again and down head through the trees. Go over a stile over a fence and through a gap in the wall. Cross the stream and take the small right hand path up to join a wider path going downhill. On reaching the bench turn right and retrace your steps to the start.
Sale Fell Summit
- Distance - 3.8 miles
- Time - 2 hours
- Starting point - Roadside parking St Margaret’s Church Wythop Mill NY 190301
- Feedback - Contact Keswick Tourism Association by email [email protected]
1. Go through a gate 100m east of the church onto a footpath which rises diagonally up the hill. Very soon you will come to a bench above Wythop St Margaret's Church with views over Bassenthwaite Lake. Continue up the grassy path until you come to a T-junction. Take the right hand path.
2. Just before the path starts to descend turn left up the hill. When the path splits keep to the right hand side and continue upwards to the summit.
3. From the summit continue forwards downhill. Just before a gate in the wall turn right and follow a path alongside the wall. Continue downhill past a farm
4. As the path meets the farm lane turn left, then in 50m turn right (signposted Beck Wythop) past a bench. Go through a gate and continue forwards on a grassy path past the ruins of Kelswick church. Go through a tall gate and into Chapel Wood.
5. When the path splits keep to the top left path. The path leaves the wood and rises to another large gate. Follow the path upwards, soon Bassenthwaite Lake comes into view to your right.
6. Fifty metres before a gate turn left steeply up a grassy path. When the path forks take the right hand one. The path soon curves left past an area of felled trees. The path gradually drops down. Take care crossing a stream - in wet periods the surrounding area can be very boggy. Turn right and go through a gate.
7.Follow the path downhill. Bassenthwaite Lake soon comes into view again on your right. Keep down until you come back to the bench from the start of the walk. Turn right here and follow the path down hill through the gate back to the start.
Around Sale Fell
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