Great Wood and Derwentwater
Enjoy this lovely walk up through Great Wood beneath Walla Crag and back along the lakeshore with fine views over Derwentwater to Catbells. A less strenuous and shorter version of the Walla Crag walk.
- Distance - 4.3 miles
- Time - 2.5 hours
- Starting point - Market Square Keswick
- Feedback - Contact Keswick Tourism Association email [email protected]
1 Start from the Moot Hall in Market Square & head between Gregg's Bakery and The Royal Oak at Keswick into St John's Street. Pass the George Hotel on your left and shortly after pass St John's Church on your right. The road curves to the left. Just before the road starts to go uphill turn right into Springs Road.
2. At the end of Springs Road continue on the public footpath past Springs Farm and up into Springs Wood. Turn right at the T junction in the middle of Springs Wood. The views towards Derwentwater and the fells beyond open up as you climb giving you the opportunity to catch your breath and take a photo.
3. Approximately 200m after passing a phone mast turn right onto a footpath signposted Great Wood and Borrowdale. Extensive views are now enjoyed not only of Derwentwater but also over Keswick town towards Bassenthwaite Lake. Continue along the path. Entering the woodland, keep to the higher route ignoring any paths down to the right. The route takes you below Walla Crag for nearly a mile and then drops down to a T-junction. Turn right and then bear immediately left down to a tarmac track.
4. Continue straight ahead over this track which will bring you to a gap in the wall onto the B5289 road. Take care crossing the road and make your way through a gap in the wall on the other side down to the lakeshore at Calfclose Bay. Pause for a while by the lake & enjoy the fine views. When you are ready to resume the walk turn right & follow the lakeshore path.
5. Shortly, notice the carved stone on the shore, its 100 segments marking the centenary of the National Trust. Then, in a few yards as you enter the trees, take a path to the left onto the small headland and enjoy the view from the Millennium Seat.
6.The path gradually makes a wide curve to the right and at the apex of the bend take a left turn through a gate and into the woods. Continue along this path which, after passing through a gate, takes you back along the lake shore. After another gate go up the steps on your left to make a short detour to the viewpoint at Friars Crag, so called because it was believed to be the point of embarkment for monks making a pilgrimage to St Herbert's Island.
7. Continue along the main lakeshore path to the boat landings. Pass the Theatre by the Lake and turn left into the gardens of Hope Park. The park also includes traditional games or alternatively a number of benches if you just want to sit and watch the world go by. Leave the park at the top corner by the kiosk and follow a sign marked Town Centre through the underpass back to your starting point.
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