Porcelain Christmas Mug and Decorations with Cath Ball of Stitched Ceramics

Porcelain Christmas Mug and Decorations with Cath Ball of Stitched Ceramics


Organizer: Makers Mill

Name: The Makers Mill

Phone: 017687 80836

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://www.themakersmill.co.uk/upcoming-workshops/porcelain-decoration-making-with-cath-ball-of-stitched-ceramics-589-654-934-261-334/


Greta Side
CA12 5LG

Price Notes

Workshop Price: £50 Material cost to the tutor on the day: £25 Included in the cost of your workshop is tea and coffee throughout the day, afternoon cake.


Behind Otley Road long stay car park. what3words - ///technical.winded.lunged


 Join the talented Cumbria-based ceramicist Cath Ball for an introduction to the world of hand-building

 you will produce artwork that’s not just beautiful but practical – something that you’ll love putting to good use.

If you’ve ever been put off trying ceramics by the need to master a pottery wheel, fear not. This is a relaxed workshop, in which you’ll use Catherine’s current favorite technique – hand building, using slabs of hand-rolled clay which you will add pattern and texture.

The workshop is aimed at complete beginners, but more experienced potters wanting to try a new technique are welcome too and will enjoy learning something new.

You will use a white Porcelain clay making each mug unique and special to you. Your mug and decorations will be glazed and fired back in Cath's Studio and will be robust and water-tight and ready to pick up at later date from the makers mill. 

Please note there is a £25 material cost payable to the tutor on the day. This covers the cost of firing and glazing your pot following the workshop.

Cath is also running the following workshops:

14th June - Colourful Mug Making Workshop

19th July - Pinch Pot workshop

27th September - Ceramic Lantern Workshop

8th November - Christmas Porcelain Mug and Decorations Workshop

Please read our Refund Policy before booking

This workshop can also be booked as a private group booking on a date of your choice, follow this link for more information:

All of our workshops are available to purchase as one of our beautifully presented laser engraved oak GIFT VOUCHERS. Click here for more information

Event Details

Start Date End Date Times
08/11/2025 08/11/2025 10am - 1pm