MINT - Chinese Crafting

MINT - Chinese Crafting


Organizer: Keswick Museum

Name: Keswick Museum

Phone: 07941571064

Email: [email protected]



Fitz Park
Station Road, Keswick, Cumbria,
CA12 4NF

Price Notes

Free crafting and community gallery exhibition Paid entry to main museum


Travelling from Penrith on A66, follow signs for town centre. Turn right after war memorial on to Station Road.


Running alongside the MINT Chinese Film Festival, enjoy a whole series of free complementary events to celebrate Chinese New Year and all things Chinese and Asian.

Chinese crafting session from the Lancaster Confucius Institute at Keswick Museum

Drop in between 11am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 3pm - no booking required

Also see our Chinese New Year community gallery exhibition from the MINT Chinese Film Festival team - running for the whole of February.



Event Details

Start Date End Date Times
22/02/2025 22/02/2025 11am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 3pm