Lunchtime Talk – Chinese language and script

Lunchtime Talk – Chinese language and script


Organizer: Keswick Museum

Name: Keswick Museum

Phone: 017687 73263

Email: [email protected]



Fitz Park
Station Road, Keswick, Cumbria,
CA12 4NF

Price Notes

FREE OF CHARGE but booking recommended via museum website as spaces will be limited.


Travelling from Penrith on A66, follow signs for town centre. Turn right after war memorial on to Station Road.


Speaker: Carol Rennie

Carol Rennie has a PhD in Chinese Literature and has spent most of her career working in and with China, spending a number of years living in Taiwan and 2 years in Beijing. She is co-Director of the Mint Chinese Film Festival, stablished at the Keswick Alhambra Cinema in 2022: the third edition will take place 21st to 23rd February 2025.

1pm in the museum’s Crosthwaite Room

The talk will last around 45-60 minutes, including time for questions and discussion.

Event Details

Start Date End Date Times
26/02/2025 26/02/2025 1pm - 2pm