Botanical Art for the Terrified' with Lis Bramwell


Name: Greystoke Craft Garden and Barns

Phone: 017684 83984

Email: [email protected]



CA11 0UT

Price Notes

10.00am – 4.00pm £82 fresh coffees/ tasty Lunch included Material Charges : £10 or you can bring your own (recommended below)


Just 8 mins west of M6 J40, off the A66 towards Keswick.


Botanical Art for the Terrified! How to paint beautiful flowers using watercolours, even if you're not sure where to start!

Join Lis on this informal, fun and relaxed day where you will gradually build up your botanical skills and techniques as the day progresses. A perfect course for those with a love of flowers and plants who are keen to learn how to represent them using watercolour paints. Lis will spend the morning taking you step by gentle step learning how to paint petals, leaves, stems and buds, followed by a wander around the garden here at the Craft Garden in Greystoke, after lunch, to find inspiration for your own flower painting.

Please bring: If you are completely new to watercolours and have no materials they can be purchased on the day for £10, otherwise feel free to bring your own. Recommended colours are Lemon yellow, Sap green,,Winsor blue (or similar alternative) Alizarin crimson, a pink/violet of your choosing, Windsor red (or similar alternative) , Vandyke brown and Yellow ochre. Fine watercolour brushes of choice 00- 3 size. Cartridge paper for practice and Hot pressed (smooth) 140lb watercolour paper white for final painting. HB pencil Sharpener and Rubber. A way of photographing flowers in the garden would also be helpful; a phone or tablet would be ideal for this.

Event Details

Start Date End Date Times
14/04/2024 14/04/2024 10am
22/06/2024 22/06/2024 10am